- Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng
- Neural Networks Course by Geoffrey Hinton
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Course by Richard Socher
- Deep Learning | Udacity Course by Google
- Neural Network Playlist by Hugo Larochelle
- Colah's blog
- Deep Learning Tutorials
- WildML
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Neural Networks and Deep learning
- Kdnuggets
- Kaggle Blogs
- Torch | Scientific computing for LuaJIT.
- Tensorflow
- Welcome - Theano 0.7 documentation
- Caffe | Deep Learning Framework
- Googld团队 - Google DeepMind is a British artificial intelligence company founded in September 2010 as DeepMind Technologies. The company made headlines after its AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol by 4-1 in 5 game match of Go.
- Metamind - Founded by Richard Socher the company is aiming for powering businesses with Artificial Intelligence.
- Skymind - Aimed at providing deep learning solutions for Enterprise. Deeplearning4j is one popular product by this company.
- Clarifai - The company is aiming for best visual intelligence system. Solves problems like image tagging, visual search, finding similar images.
- OpenAI - A non-profit artificial intelligence (AI) research company that aims to carefully promote and develop open-source friendly AI in such a way as to benefit, rather than harm, humanity as a whole.
- Mad Street Den - Startup aimed at improving consumer experience with Artificial Intelligence